Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mountain Climbing

We took our annual trip to Disney World at the beginning of March and had a fabulous time.  My 6 year old son kept urging me to go with him on Big Thunder Mountain from the moment we entered the "Welcome to Walt Disney World" sign (better known to our family as the "Disney Bubble").  I told him I would think about it. I hate roller coasters and the thought of going on this one nearly gave me a panic attack.  But was I about to let my 6 year old down?  What kind of mother do you think I am????  Of course NOT!  He kept telling me I would have so much fun and not to worry because he'd be right beside me, holding my hand.  Ever so reluctantly, and yet determined to show my boys how to not only overcome your fears, but also look them square in the eye and say "I'm not afraid of YOU anymore," I walked to the entrance of Big Thunder Mountain.  I put on my brave face, heart pounding, hands trembling.  I swear to you, God is so awesome and good and places the people in your life just when you need them because there was this woman who was in the adjacent line with a little stuffed Minnie Mouse, using the stuffed Minnie to give everyone a "high five".  Most people would find this annoying, especially since she did this not once, not twice but quite a few times while we wound around, passing each other in line.  I, on the other hand, am not like most people and almost hugged the woman because each time I high fived that stuffed mouse, I felt like I'd be ok.  I finally got on the ride and actually enjoyed it.  I did scream and when I got off my legs felt like jell-o.  My 6 year old said "See, I told you you'd like it."  "What made you think I enjoyed it?", I teased, "I was screaming the whole time!"  He said "That was you enjoying it!"  The next day, we realized that my 3 year old daughter was tall enough to ride the ride, so all 5 of us rode it 3 times in a row.  My daughter LOVED it!  She even copied her 9 year old brother by putting her little hands in the air throughout the ride.  We had so much fun!  I'm so glad my 6 year old got me to "climb" that mountain!

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