Monday, April 20, 2009

Celebrate Good Times...

We have been busy as "bees" with celebrations lately. My daughter's 3rd birthday was on Easter (April 12). Since we knew most folks would be out of town that weekend and our preschool's spring break started the weekend before, we opted to have her birthday celebration on the 18th. We went to Blue Jay Point Park and had a great time. Many of her preschool friends and our family came. She got tons of princess stuff. Her birthday "theme" was a mish-mash of stuff but totally fit her personality. I had Go, Diego, Go plates, napkins and cups from my 5 year old's party a few months ago and she loves that show. So, she says she'd like to have a Diego party. Well, I get to the store that I bought the Diego stuff orignally to finish out the other items I needed (such as table cloths, more plates, loot bags) and can't find it, of course. So, she decides to go with a generic Princess theme. So, we had Diego and princess stuff. Her loot bags contained bubbles, princess stickers and Hot Wheels fruit snacks. If this party didn't say "Tom-Boy Princess" I don't know what does! Her dad made her cupcakes. I usually make the children their birthday cakes but this year just seemed busy and so my husband took that over for me! They looked excellent!

We celebrated her party the day before my birthday (April 19). My daughter's birthday and my birthday are a week apart and I LOVE that! I've always called her my early birthday present. My husband and I went out to dinner and a movie. My husband and I have this tradition of making each other birthday cakes. One of the first cakes he made me, he asked me to pick it out. I told him I wanted a "funfetti" cake and he almost panicked until I told him all the colors are in the mix....just follow the directions. Well, this year I tried my best to stump him, make him sweat, raise his blood pressure by telling him I wanted a marble cake. He didn't even bat an eyelash. He did an excellent looked all marble-y...perfect! (and yes, you counted correctly, my husband DID make 2 cakes in 1 weekend...for his girls!)

Before the fun-filled weekend started, my husband brought home oh, about 1200 more mouths to feed. No, we aren't opening a soup kitchen. He is starting his newest hobby: beekeeping. Last year, my husband had 20 odd trees removed from our yard and started a vegetable garden. He's also trying to have an orchard with peaches, pears, apples, figs, etc. Well, deer came through and despite all of our best efforts, they ate the fruit of his labor. So, this year, up went an 8 foot fence. We have decided if the deer can jump over THAT fence, they've gotta be Santa's reindeer! So, he wanted to add a beehive to this project in the hopes that we can get some honey starting this fall, perhaps make some candles, chapstick, soap, etc. for gifts for Christmas (eventually) and most importantly making sure the fruit trees get pollinated so we can get some fruit if not this season then perhaps in the next. As soon as I can figure it all out, I hope to have a video of the bees going into the hive (really cool sound!) and perhaps a few pictures of the bees too on my blog.

There's more fun stuff planned for the Schmidt family next month! Stay tuned!

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